Yayasan Bakti Kami Untukmu



Yayasan Bakti Kami Untukmu adalah sebuah yayasan yang bergerak di bidang sosial dan pendidikan.


25 Jul 2020

Theme Features

Here are some helpful tips for setting up this theme. Configuration Most of what you’ll want to configure is demonstrated in the exampleSite config.toml. This is Hugo’s configuration file. You can copy the config.toml in the exampleSite/ to your site root get started. Here are all the options included in the configuration file for this example site! baseURL = “https://ybku.or.id/" # Your domain name. Must end with “/” theme = “introduction” DefaultContentLanguage = “id” # Default language for multilingual sites

Lorem Ipsum

You can add more sections to the home page by adding files to the /content/home/ folder.


In the Contact section of Introduction, you may optionally display the current time in your preferred timezone.

This lets visitors know what sort of response time to expect when they contact you. The timezone is easily set in the config.toml file. See the exampleSite configuration for instructions.

